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The Nuances of Motivation

Motivation as defined in the text is an internal state that arouses, directs and maintains behavior. There are two types of motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic.

Intrinsic motivation comes from within when we naturally set goals related to personal interest. Or we are willing to complete tasks that may not relate directly to our personal interest, but we know the outcome will benefit either our personal interest or the greater good.

Extrinsic motivation comes from external rewards or motivators. We do not have personal interest but are willing to complete a task if the outcome will benefit either our personal interest or the greater good.

I have learned that motivation is a complex and intricate subject with several general explanations that can be useful to all stakeholders.

One thing I know for sure is when people set goals, they are motivated to meet them.

If you have taught for even a day, you know that student motivation is a challenge in school.

Teachers depend on extrinsic motivational techniques in order for students meet rigorous expectations.

Students don’t have much choice in school as far as what they are learning. However, choice increases motivation and this is limited in schools. Although differentiated instruction perceived as a highly effective engagement strategy, this is the goal or prolific answer to student motivation.

Let’s be honest, it is difficult to meet every student needs, this leads to student boredom and confusion. Public displays of failure decreases the students’ confidence to take risks. And this creates a cause and effect scenarios where no one wins.

We need to get on one accord. While no one enjoys failure, it leads to feelings of incompetence.

It is important to encourage students and teach them that brains can change. It’s legit science. Our brains change more and our motivational behavior increases through failure. I’ll wait while you Google.

So the real work is getting our students to believe that through practice and endurance anything we put our minds to can be achieved. and we have our work cut out for us, but with this belief we comes the motivation to keep trying through every obstacle.

This is also true for teachers. Whatever we believe about our students, positive or negative will be true. It is important to set goals with high expectations, as setting goals changes mindsets and naturally increases motivation.

How students feel about their ability to do, will motivate them to do the task at hand. Motivation plays a role in how students process their learning.

A Note on Extrinsic Motivation

Connecting academic tasks to student interest is essential to catch and hold student interest. Establishing student interest is important so identifying experts for different assignments or tasks will also increase student motivation. Giving students the opportunity to lead the classroom will also enhance engagement. Student motivation will make or break academic success. It is important to provide extrinsic stimuli as a precursor to intrinsic motivation.

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